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The Failure of Corporate Law: Fundamental Flaws and Progressive Possibilities
by Kent Greenfield
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Results The Failure of Corporate Law: Fundamental Flaws and Progressive Possibilities
The Failure of Corporate Law Fundamental Flaws and With The Failure of Corporate Law Kent Greenfield hopes to return corporate law to a system in which the public has a greater say in how firms are governed Greenfield maintains that the laws controlling firms should be much more protective of the public interest and of the corporation’s various stakeholders such as employees The Failure of Corporate Law Fundamental Flaws and “Kent Greenfield makes a compelling case for progressive corporate law reform in The Failure of Corporate Law Through careful deconstruction of a traditional and yet fundamentally failed body of law Greenfield offers an impressive reconstruction that hinges on a simple but truly profound claim—corporate law is vitally important The Failure of Corporate Law Fundamental Flaws and The Failure of Corporate Law Fundamental Flaws and Progressive Possibilities Kindle edition by Kent Greenfield Download it once and read it on your Kindle device PC phones or tablets Use features like bookmarks note taking and highlighting while reading The Failure of Corporate Law Fundamental Flaws and Progressive Possibilities THE FAILURE OF CORPORATE LAW FUNDAMENTAL FLAWS This analysis leads Greenfield to identify yet another fundamental flaw of corporate law He writes “Instead of creating a governance system that would help internalize the concerns of customers employees or society in general the system of corporate governance in the United States sets up shareholder interests as supreme and centralizes decision making so that those interests are served The Failure of Corporate Law Fundamental Flaws and The Failure of Corporate Law Fundamental Flaws and Progressive Possibilities When used in conjunction with corporations the term “public” is misleading Anyone can purchase shares of stock but public corporations themselves are uninhibited by a sense of societal obligation or strict public oversight The Failure of Corporate Law Fundamental Flaws and With The Failure of Corporate Law Kent Greenfield hopes to return corporate law to a system in which the public has a greater say in how firms are governed Greenfield maintains that the laws controlling firms should be much more protective of the public interest and of the corporations various stakeholders such as employees The failure of corporate law fundamental flaws and Get this from a library The failure of corporate law fundamental flaws and progressive possibilities Kent Greenfield Kent Greenfield hopes to return corporate law to a system in which the public has a greater say in how firms are governed He maintains that the laws controlling firms should be much more protective Failure of Corporate Law Fundamental Flaws and In fact managers of most large firms are prohibited by law from taking into account the interests of the public in decision making if doing so hurts shareholders But this has not always been the case as until the beginning of the twentieth century public corporations were deemed to have important civic responsibilities The Failure of Corporate Law Fundamental Flaws and The Failure of Corporate Law Fundamental Flaws and Progressive Possibilities Anyone can purchase shares of stock but public corporations themselves are uninhibited by a sense of societal obligation or strict public oversight In fact managers of most large firms are prohibited by law from taking into account the The Failure of Corporate Law Fundamental Flaws The Failure of Corporate Law Fundamental Flaws Progressive Possibilities Kent Greenfield Libri in altre lingue Passa al contenuto principale Iscriviti a Prime Libri in altre lingue VAI Ricerca Ciao Accedi Account e liste Accedi Account e liste